Explaining irony
1. Traditional approaches to irony Here are some typical examples of verbal irony: (1) Mary (after a boring party): That was fun. (2) I left my bag in the restaurant, and someone kindly walked off with it. (3) Sue (to someone who has done her a disservice): I can't thank you enough. In each case, the point of the irony is to indicate that a proposition the speaker might otherwise be taken to endorse (that the party was fun, the person who took her bag behaved kindly, or Sue is more grateful than she can say) is ludicrously inadequate (here, because of its falsity). 1 A hearer who fails to recognise this will have misunderstood the speaker's ironical intention. A speaker who doubts her hearer's ability to recognise this intention using background knowledge alone can provide additional cues (e.g. an ironical tone
منابع مشابه
Sincere, Deceitful, and Ironic Communicative Acts and the Role of the Theory of Mind in Childhood
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship among age, first- and second-order Theory of Mind and the increasing ability of children to understand and produce different kinds of communicative acts - sincere, ironic, and deceitful communicative acts - expressed through linguistic and extralinguistic expressive means. To communicate means to modify an interlocutor's mental states (Gri...
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he aim of the paper is fourfold: (a) show why humor scholars should study irony, (b) explore the need for considering interindividual differences in healthy adults’ irony performance, (c) stress the necessity for developing tools assessing habitual differences in irony performance, and (d) indicate future directions for joint irony and humor research and outline possible applications. Verbal ir...
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Recognising and understanding irony is crucial for the improvement natural language processing tasks including sentiment analysis. In this study, we describe the construction of an English Twitter corpus and its annotation for irony based on a newly developed fine-grained annotation scheme. We also explore the feasibility of automatic irony recognition by exploiting a varied set of features inc...
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Irony is a type of figurative language in which the literal meaning of the expression is the opposite of what the speaker intends to communicate. Even though schizophrenic patients are known as typically impaired in irony comprehension and in the underlying neural functions, to date no one has explored the neural correlates of figurative language comprehension in first-degree relatives of schiz...
متن کاملCan Cognitive Scientists Help Computers Recognize Irony?
This workshop aims to bring together researchers in cognitive science and computer science with a shared interest in irony. Irony detection is an especially difficult problem for natural language processing. Unlike other types of classification tasks, the difficulty of identifying irony is not alleviated by ‘throwing more data’ at the problem. Rather, it seems a different kind of data is needed...
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